Welcome to
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
A year ago, when online worship was still new to us, preparing for Holy Week and Easter was a daunting challenge. How exactly could we modify the unique and somewhat complicated services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday? And, how could we express Easter joy when we were prevented from gathering in person, unable to see and smell the beautiful flowers, unable to hear the glorious music offered by Gail and our choir?
Well, thanks to Sue's technical expertise, we managed to pull it off. But, I have to admit, as we were making our way through our services, I consoled myself by thinking we would only have to do this once. Surely next year, we would be reunited for the foot washing, the Stations of the Cross procession, and, most of all, Easter joy. Yet, here we are again. As you have no doubt seen on the news, after more than a year of the pandemic, and despite increasing numbers of vaccinations, our infection rate here in New Jersey continues to rise. So, unfortunately, it will be another online Holy Week and Easter for us.
Although this is not what any of us want, I hope our frustration, solitude, and sadness will not prevent us from entering these holiest days of the Christian year with prayerfulness, attention, and hope. Perhaps our unease and frustration – and our persistent trust in God's faithfulness – might help us have an even richer and more fruitful Holy Week. This Sunday, on the disorienting day that we call "The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday," maybe we'll feel even closer to the palm-waving crowd that welcomed King Jesus as he rode on into his capital city, the shouts of "Hosanna!" echoing all around. Maybe, in our own frustration, we'll be able to identify more deeply with the disappointed crowd when they turn against Jesus, calling for the crucifixion of a King much different than anyone had anticipated or wanted. Maybe, in our loneliness, we'll be able to imagine even more vividly the shocking scene of Jesus hanging on the cross, giving away his life, forever widening our understanding of God's love. Maybe, in our time of despair, we'll be able to hear the haunting quiet after Jesus' last breath, the moment when all hope was lost, or so it must have seemed to the heartbroken and terrified disciples.
Since it is now possible to attend all of our Holy Week services from home, I hope you'll visit our Facebook page and join us when we live-stream, or you can catch up with the videos at a more convenient time. The service schedule is below.
We live in unsettling and challenging times and face an uncertain future, but this I know for sure: the joy of Easter will be even sweeter after walking the Way of the Cross with Jesus and our church community.
Your brother in Christ,
Prayers and Thanksgivings:
We pray for:
All those on our parish prayer list, especially Gina, Jean A., Anaiayah, Linda M., Vicki B, Julio, Marisol, Marisa, and Eddie.
We offer special prayers for Sonia and her family
Doctors, nurses, and all healthcare workers
Students and teachers, as they try to learn and teach under very difficult circumstances
All members of the armed services, especially Chris Armbruster
All those in positions of leadership, especially Joe, our President; Kamala, our Vice President; Phil, our Governor; and Steve, our Mayor
Please also remember in your prayers those who have died, and those who grieve their loss, remembering especially:
Jeff Hovan
Zaimier Bell, 17, shot and killed on MLK Drive, between Woodlawn and Fulton Avenues.
Those killed in the mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado:
Officer Eric Talley, Boulder Police Department
Denny Strong
Neven Stanisic
Rikki Olds
Tralona Bartkowiak
Suzanne Fountain
Teri Leiker
Kevin Mahoney
Lynn Murray
Jody Waters
All of those who have died as a result of Covid -19
We give thanks for:
The birthdays of Emily Barker, Ed Stone French, Claude Lewis, and Jean Griffin.
Calendar Highlights:
Sun., March 28: Palm Sunday Liturgy, 10:00AM (Facebook); Distribution of the Palms, 12:00PM – 1:00PM (Churchyard)
Wed., March 31: Lenten Book Study Session 5
Thurs., April 1: Maundy Thursday Liturgy, 7:00PM (Facebook)
Fri., April 2: Good Friday Stations of the Cross Procession, 9:30AM (Zoom); Good Friday Liturgy, 7:00PM (Facebook)
Sat, April 3: Holy Saturday Liturgy, 9:00AM (Facebook)
Sun., April 4 Easter Day, 10:00AM (Facebook)
Wed., April 7 Lenten Book Study Final Session
Sat., April 11 Quiet Morning with Lorna Woodham, 10:00AM-Noon (Zoom) (See attached flyer for details and registration)
Sat., May 8 Ordination of Lorna Woodham to the Diaconate
Supporting Our Church:
We are aware that, unfortunately, some parishioners have been laid off or furloughed and others are in danger of losing their jobs. Please know that you are in our prayers and we are here to help any way we can. In these extremely challenging economic times, we are especially grateful to those of you who have been able to keep up with your pledges. You can still mail checks to the church or you can use online giving. Visit stpaulsjc.org and click on "Online Giving." We also have a Venmo account. Call the office or email me for more information.
You may complete and return the online pledge form here:
Worship Schedule:
Monday through Friday: "Church By Phone"
Morning Prayer, 7:30
Noonday Prayer, 12:00
Evening Prayer, 5:30
Call: 201-433-4922 for more information.
Sunday at 10:00am
Join us at 10:00 AM for a live-streamed Service of Holy Communion on our church’s Facebook page: Facebook.com/StPaulsJC
From the Diocese:
Read The Voice Online for all the latest news, including a reminder from Bishop Hughes that in the Episcopal Church “all means all”:
Upcoming Events:
Online Prayer Vigil to End Asian Hate, 4/30, 7:00PM
Regional Conversation with Bishop Hughes, 4/15, 6:30PM-8:30PM (via Zoom)
Quiet Time of Reflection: God’s Strange Work
Our ministry intern Lorna Woodham will lead a quiet time of reflection on God’s love. All are welcome on Saturday, April 10, from 10:00AM to Noon on Zoom.
Sacred People, Sacred Earth
Along with many other congregations, our church has declared that we are united by a fundamental belief that all people, all living things, and the Earth are sacred.
Thank you to Susan Den Herder, Lorna Woodham, Shari Gill, and all the participants, for putting together this powerful video, which can be found on our Facebook page:
Lenten Book Study:
Join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:00, when we discuss (on Zoom) The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart, by Peter Gomes. For our fifth session (on March 31), please read Part Three: The True and Lively Word, pgs. 175-265. Contact Fr. Tom for Zoom information.
Small Faith Groups:
A message from Carol Harrison-Arnold:
Greetings All,
Many of you attended the Parish Assembly and learned of the great ministries going on with the church despite the pandemic. You also heard about the beginning of another ministry, Small Faith Groups, in response to the isolation and absence of in-person worship that many are missing.
As a church, we are challenged with helping members to engage in activity where God Shows Up as an extension of our congregational life. We think we have found a way to address this challenge and invite all to become a part of a small group.
We pray many of you will decide to participate in a small group to enrich the faith experience for all of us. A link for the sign-up form is below. Please let family and friends know of this faith opportunity because we all need God to Show Up!!!
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/RBYUpHFnufoFXn6C9
Lifting Our Voices: Uncovering the Story of the Episcopal Churches in Jersey City
The Episcopal Churches of Jersey City are beginning an effort to learn our history. We are eager to learn and document what life was like for Jersey City Episcopalians in the past, with a particular interest in how our churches were shaped by structural racism. Today, the Episcopal churches of Jersey City are almost as racially and ethnically diverse as the city we serve, but, unfortunately, this was not always the case.
For decades, the Episcopal churches in our city did not welcome people of color. This sinful lack of hospitality led to the founding in 1910 of the Church of the Incarnation as a spiritual home for Black Episcopalians. Later, by the end of the 20th Century, “white flight” emptied out most of our churches, diminishing our presence in the city. As recent events in our country have painfully reminded us, structural racism doesn’t disappear. It has to be faced, spoken about, confessed and acted upon. If there was ever a time to learn from the past and get to work dismantling racism in our churches, it is now!
That is why members of St. Paul & Incarnation and Grace Church Van Vorst will begin researching the histories of our churches to trace how they were shaped by white supremacy. At the same time, we will also interview some of our church elders to learn from people who have lived our story and know it best, preserving their memories for future generations.
Combating white supremacy is the work of a lifetime, but on the Day of Pentecost (May 23) we will share what we have learned from our research and interviews. From this presentation, our churches will begin to have conversations about what it means to learn the truth about the racism in our church and how knowing the truth can help us change our future.
DJ’s Free Market:
Subscribe to the DJ’s Newsletter to stay informed about this exciting new ministry led by Deacon Jill:
The Arts at St. Paul & Incarnation:
“Light in the Never-Ending Shade”
Our beautiful new art show can be viewed on our website: aspi-jc.org
ASPI Mugs and Tote Bags
It's here! Bring the work of local artists into your home this season with a curated mug or tote bag from ASPI!
The Arts at St. Paul and Incarnation (ASPI) is delighted to introduce a line of mugs and tote bags featuring the works of some of our favorite local artists. Unlike many other fundraisers that call for donated work, all profit is split evenly between the artist and ASPI. Proceeds to ASPI will go towards supporting our programming and future improvements to Carr Hall. We hope you enjoy these works as much as we do.
Visit our brand new store on Threadless to order these beautiful items (which make great gifts!)
Visit the Arts at St. Paul & Incarnation website for more information:
New Jersey Together:
SPRING LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZING TRAINING: April 13-15, 12:30PM-2:00PM, or April 23 (7:30PM-9:00PM & April 24 (10:00AM-11:30AM, 2:00Pm-3:30PM)
If you’re new to Jersey City Together – or want to get more involved, please consider joining us for training planned later in the spring. This will be critical as we prepare for next steps. Learn more and register here:
Learn more about New Jersey Together here: www.njtogether.org
Help for Renters and Homeowners:
There is help available for renters and homeowners suffering because of the pandemic. One is the website for the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency: www.njhousing.gov. You can also call 1-800-NJ-HOUSE (1-800-654-6873).
Helpful Resources:
Jersey City is vaccinating senior citizens, first responders, and those with certain pre-existing conditions! Call 201-547-5688 or 201-373-2316 between 9:00AM and 5:00PM, seven days a week, to schedule an appointment.
State of New Jersey Covid-19 Information Hub:
State of New Jersey Covid Vaccine Registration:
Hudson County Covid Vaccine Registration:
Hudson County residents who are eligible can register here https://www.hudsonregional.org
The Diocese of Newark posts Covid-19 resources here:
You can subscribe to diocesan newsletters here:
The Episcopal Church has collected Covid-19 resources here:
"Habits of Grace," weekly reflections from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry:
The Church of England has some wonderful prayers and other materials here:
Fr. Tom’s sermons can be found here: